Sunday, January 10, 2010

Franco Shade | The Return?

This past year proved to be a true test for many brands. With the economy the way it was brands were forced to cut back collections and pinch every penny. It was surprising to see first hand how the recession choked the life out of the independent clothing market. Though it was a rude awakening it was a good learning lesson for those who didn't realize the importance of a business plan. I think the realization set in that you can be the most creative and innovative brand on the market, have a strong following, corner a niche market but if your money isn't right your business is a sinking ship.

September marked the end of Franco Shade/FRSH who in my eyes was one of the few brands that I thought could rival The Hundreds with similar aesthetic and approach. The thing with The Hundreds is they are one of the few brands who realized the importance of being business savy prior to the recession. I guess Law degrees might help the situation. You may love The Hundreds, you may hate The Hundreds but bar none Ben and Bobby understand the almighty power of the dollar bill better than a lot of other brands. All that aside after a 3 month gap with no activity a post appeared on the Franco blog courtesy of owner Joe Navran (Joe Fresh). I am not sure how to interpret it. Decide for yourself.

"Whats up everyone!!!! Been a while huh?? Here is a video some of you may have not seen showing a recap of 2009. Things change and so does life and the date we put on our checks but somethings remain the same, somethings that are gone, aren’t really gone, and some things you knew would be there could be right around the corner…What do I mean? We will just have to wait and see"

Maybe they weren't dead...maybe just asleep. Welcome back?

(via. FRSH)