Anyways background aside the tracks are legit. Not only are the beats ridiculously good but Chace reeks of talent. The combination of the talent made for quite the amazing listening session. I, like Mos Def, was taken by "JetSki" but was more impressed by "Heavy" which exemplifies the pairs ability to cohesively mesh impressive lyrical content with consistent head bobbing beats. I only had time to preview a handful of tracks but the album has a good feel and tempo and will more then likely be a staple on hip-hop playlists. In a few months you will be able to judge for yourself. Until then chew on this. And check out this coming Monday Morning Playlist for C.I.'s picks.
With the tracks still running through my head I pretty much danced my way over to Ciao Bella (125 Allen St) to capitalize on there daily thin crust two cheese and a drink $5 special. Not only have I had this twice a week since I have been here but the slices are as big as your face. I think I will single handedly put Joey's children (if he has any) through college. I have had a lot of pizza in my life and I would be willing to put it up against Gino's East of Chicago. Ciao Bella is between Rivington and Delancey and they do free delivery. Check them out.