Saturday, June 6, 2009

Whole In The Wall @ Helenbeck Gallery NYC

I decided to check out a couple shows going on in the city. First I headed over to Milk to see Kenneth Cappello's solo show 'Acid Drop'. The show was good but kind of left me wanting more, and maybe more recent work even though that wasn't the point of the show. Acid Drop is a collection of casual snapshots Kenneth took as a teenager, in the late 1980's of his friends skating.  

After that I went over to Helenbeck Gallery to check out the 'Whole In The Wall' show which features the works of Banksy, Blade, Blek le Rat, Crash, Daze, Ikon, Jonone, Nunca, Plateus, Quik, Lee Quinones, Rammellzee, Sharp, Sozyone, Henry Chalfant, Martha Cooper, Jamel Shabazz, Silvio Magaglio and Victor Ash. The show is well worth the trip and runs until June 27th. Helenbeck is open 10:30 am to 6:30 pm: Tuesday through Saturday.