Here is my two cents on the New Balance 575 White Pigeon. I saw the shoe the other day on Nico's feet at Reed Space. I think the Jeff is an extremely talented individual who works hard and is very passionate about what he does. In fact his work is some of which inspired me to study graphic design. As for the shoes...I was, like just about every person who is half interested in shoes, excited for the dunks when they came out. It was for me, a late bloomer, my first real taste of street culture. As for the first release of the 575 in August 2008 I felt it was extremely similar and almost a mirror of the Dunk on the 575 silhouette. The converse was something a little different not my style but refreshing. The coordination for the launch was not really executed that well so I feel it didn't get the props it deserved (Not Jeff's fault). But to be honest with you I am much more excited for the 575 White Pigeon then any other of the releases to date. I feel that this shoe is a little more thought out. The subtle grays and white accents are much more appealing in my opinion and the orange even seems a little more vibrant. In fact I would go out on a limb and say that these shoes will rank as one of my top 10 favorite sneakers. A bold statement but this shoe looks great. My only criticism is I wish that both the pigeons on the back were the original one and not the semi-flying one.
Here are some details on the release courtesy of Jeff
Global Release Date: 8/18/08.
Total Pairs Made Worldwide: 1077. (Allocation for each region will vary.)
Here are the selected accounts that will be blessed with the White Pigeons:
NORTH AMER: Reed Space (NYC), Barneys (LA), Goodfoot (CAN).
SOUTH AMER: Doc Dog (BRZ), Shelter (MEX).
EUROPE: Size? (UK), Hanon (UK), Hip (Leeds), Sole Box (GRM), Thomas I Punkt (GRM), Colette (FRA), Patta (NTH), Sneaker-N-Stuff (SWE), Sole Service (NOR), 5 Round (ITA), Be Cool (ITA), 24 Kilates (BCN), LimitedEdition (BCN), Titolo (SWZ), Norse Project (DEN).
JAPAN: Mita (Ueno), Atmos (Harajuku), Hectic (Harajuku), Stussy (Shibuya), Undefeated (Harajuku/Shizuoka), Boston Club (Osaka).
No word on the price point as of yet but will likely vary from spot to spot.
(via. StapleDesign)