Monday, July 27, 2009

Yo-Yo Nation: Pat Cuartero

It has become apparent to me that New York takes bowling very seriously. This weekend consisted of a trip to Brooklyn Bowl and Lucky Strike. Correct me if I am wrong but I think the last time I went bowling, prior to this weekend, bowling lanes were packed with birthday parties and old people. My last trip to the lanes was probably when I was 12 and the facilities featured two dozen plus lanes, popcorn, pop and pizza. However bowling is next level here with bouncers, dress codes, VIP, projectors, full up scale restaurants and 2 hour waiting lists for lanes. Last night I had the opportunity to bowl a few games with Johan Lam (3sixteen), Kiya Babzani (Self Edge), and Pat Cuartero (Yo-Yo Nation).

Prior to last nights meeting I had only heard about Pat and Yo-Yo Nation. The name might ring a bell for a few people seeing that Pat graced the cover of the Wall Street Journal this week and is being featured in the upcoming issue of Time Out New York.

A few years ago Pat found himself in a cubical at Merrill Lynch. Not truly satisfied with the job Pat left his six figure salary job on Wall St. and founded Yo-Yo Nation. Pat is not only a accomplished Yo-Yo Professional but the CEO and founder of Yo-Yo Nation, the leader in North American Yo-Yo sales. You know the man means business when he heads out to the bowling lanes with a yo-yo dangling from his belt loop which had bouncers, servers and employees gawking when he started throwing down.