Thursday, February 5, 2009

Lupe Disc Cancelled?

"Due to circumstances beyond my control...the album roll out has changed radically...LUPE.N.D. has been postponed indefinitely!!!As a matter of fact consider it cancelled until further notice!!!Sorry Guys & Gals!!!!...the rumor mill and bitch ass cowards are going to have a field day with this one!!!...I'll just keep quiet about the actual reasoning so everybody can put their very special two cents what now???Actually an album is still coming in June...That's Right!!!...Drum Roll Please..."THE GREAT AMERICAN RAP ALBUM" Yeah that's the new title...want the tracklist? I hate the music business…but I love music…Grammy’s Here We Come!!!”" - Lupe Fiasco (FNF BLog)

So in the meantime chew on this...

Lupe Fiasco Feat Nikki Jean - Hip Hop Saved My Life

Just one more reason why Life After Midnight loves Lupe...