Here is a prime example of when your action can come back to kick you in the ass. Last year a mysterious MTA tag appeared along the concrete banks of the Los Angeles river. The tag was roughly half a mile long and authorities estimate it took about 400 gallons of paint to create the three block letters that are equivalent to three stories high.
On Wednesday, 7 members of the MTA (Metro Transit Assassins) crew were arrested. The best part is these guys have been generating buzz in the graffiti world for several years and respected in the street art community. And they must be either making a fortune off their work or have 'second jobs' as the members of the MTA were arrested with guns and drugs. According to the Los Angeles County sheriff's officials one of the suspects drives a $60,000 BMW and another was rocking a diamond and ruby encrusted Metro logo valued at $27,000.
It is estimated that the removal of the tag will cost $3.7 million dollars as a small dam would have to be constructed to prevent run off into the LA river.
(via LA Times)