Thursday, January 8, 2009

For Alex from Prince

Prince - When dove's cry from Alf_sv on Vimeo.

The last words from my departing friend, Alex, before he went back to school were, "Life After Midnight needs more music". He suggested to me some jazz artists via text and I said beat it. I know deep down this is what he meant and wanted. Great song. And for the record Prince reminds me of Ali for some reason. Not that he is gay but because he and Prince have some things in common.

1) the same body (who am I to talk)

2) loves girls and singing at his own reflection in the mirror

3) similar fashion sense (I know he has the same hat)

4) chooses baths over showers with scarves and his guitar

5) Full tuck

6) Needs to wax chest

7) Often asks girls "Why would you leave me standing?"

8) loves purple rain

The only difference is secretly everyone wants to be like Ali.